Well, well, well. It seems that my website has become popular to lefties & other Labourites searching for someone to bully for expressing their opinions!
First up; we have Mr Lewis Holden of the "Holden Republic" (Just Holden' together Republic is it?):
www.holdenrepublic.org.nzI should not like such a site, it is disloyal to Her Majesty. Mr Holden has recently started a whole series dedicated to mocking Her Majesty in the month of our Queen's Birthday!!
Although, Mr Holden linked my website, so that other thinking persons can see the correct arguments in defence of the Monarchy & New Zealand's constitution; from the assault by the republicans on our nation's heritage.
Next we have an unknown leftist website called "No Right Turn", a website dedicated to destroying the social fabric of New Zealand with its great 'Liberal' project; & recently speculating on the fraudulent "science" of "climate change"; which is just a way of townies getting more money from us producers, the farmers!!
www.norightturn.blogspot.comMr "Idiot" (an apt name for a leftist) says that people laugh at monarchists. 60% of people SUPPORT THE MONARCHY, IDIOT!! Far from laughing at 'me' or any of Royalists for that matter, the loyal subjects of Her Majesty WANT the system they currently have. Unlike Mr Idiot, the people of New Zealand will not be fooled by the republicans & their demands for a republican dictatorship!