Queen & Country

Loyal to Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II her heirs and successors!

Location: New Zealand

Monday, June 25, 2007

A true NZ Conservative Party

NZ needs a true Conservative Party. The National Party has for too long not done a good job at protecting our Royal Heritage & conservative values of British N.Zers, & often promoted apartheid style policies to separate Maori NZers off from the rest of us.

In my view, we need a proper Conservative Party to keep out Republicanism in N.Z, get tough on criminals & roll-back the Labourite "reforms" of the last 20 years, such as homosexual "rights", anti-Marriage, anti-family, anti-monarchy policies. There was an Conservative Party during the 1990s that was short lived. Here's the link:


They had some good policies, such as trying to stop the internet for being use for photography & other filth.

Should we re-vive a Conservative Party, to defend our Queen & Country? It seems like a good time too.



Blogger Lewis Holden said...

Huh? How does banning photography fix anything bill?

9:04 AM  
Blogger Bearhunter said...

"...values of British N.Zers"

And what about non-British NZers, Wiremu? Or don't we count?

3:01 PM  
Blogger Seán said...

"They had some good policies, such as trying to stop the internet for being use for photography & other filth."

Oh dear, I have been missing this comedy show. Must pop by more often.

4:08 PM  

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