Queen & Country

Loyal to Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II her heirs and successors!

Location: New Zealand

Monday, April 03, 2006

Designing this website

The other day I purchased an excellent little book on website design at the local post office. As you can tell from this website; I do not know much about designing one's own website. I do want to learn; & this book shall help me. The other problem I have is a lack of time; I am working full-time (which to you townies is around 9 hours a day; to us in the heartland it is much longer!!).

Luckily I have been supplied with pictures of Her Majesty the Queen by the Monarchist League of New Zealand, Inc. for use on this website. Keeping our Gracious Queen in view is very important to Royalists; & something republicans detest. When I understand the means by which one places pictures on their website; I shall ensure that the Queen is displayed to Her Majesty's Loyal subjects.


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