Queen & Country

Loyal to Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II her heirs and successors!

Location: New Zealand

Monday, May 22, 2006

A new monarchist fiend

It seems that another fellow monarchist has taken up the cause of attacking the Labourite socialists: Brian of 'New Zealand Monarchy' -


I Shall provide a link & note regular writigns.

An response

After much reflection & thought; I have decided it is better to respond to the incorrect lies by Holden Republic about me; & to do my job at defending Her Majesty the qUEEN.

So, in the vein of a simplistic point by point analysis for the defence of our monarchy; I say -

  1. The Monarchy is a Godly form a government & is natural fo human beings!
  2. A monarchy is a stable & just form of government; and does not fall prety to corruption so easily; does not fall into a one-party state & is never destroyed by a military leader!
  3. Her Majesty the Queen protects our rights and liberties!
  4. A republic woild mean a el presidente Clarke; a dictatorship of the socialist Labourites.

Do not be fooled; Labour wants a republic to increase it's own powers & put Aunty Helengrad in charge.

God save the Queen!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

A response to Mr Holden

I will not dignify your challenge with a response, nor will I apologise - I did not say anything of offence; he should grow up instead of whining!

When around 2/3 NZers support our constitution, it is probably best if the republicans do their country a favour; & shut up for once.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Website missing

My website appears to have been lost & perhaps deleted! Hopefully this post can come through.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Sedition & rebuttal

I ahve been accused of being dishonest in my last section on sedition & accused of supporting "dictatorship". The Queen & the monarchy must be held above the rest of the great unwashed society becuase they are the "personification of our state".

Well; let me simply say that the monarchy is indeed a dictatorship. It is a dictatorship of honour and loyalty; & is a mutual partnership between Her Majesty and Her Loyal Subjects. The Crown is justified in punishing those who break this partnership; a partnership on which our country depends.

It is also a partnership between members of the Crown Commonwealth; the United Kingdom of Great Britain, Australia, Canada and of Course NEw Zealand. This partnership runs deep between all of us English-speaking peoples; and cannot be broken by republicans and their 'liberty' carry on. Our bonds are deeper than that.

I have managed to upload another picture which exalpins why I support the continuance of such bonds.