Queen & Country

Loyal to Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II her heirs and successors!

Location: New Zealand

Monday, May 22, 2006

An response

After much reflection & thought; I have decided it is better to respond to the incorrect lies by Holden Republic about me; & to do my job at defending Her Majesty the qUEEN.

So, in the vein of a simplistic point by point analysis for the defence of our monarchy; I say -

  1. The Monarchy is a Godly form a government & is natural fo human beings!
  2. A monarchy is a stable & just form of government; and does not fall prety to corruption so easily; does not fall into a one-party state & is never destroyed by a military leader!
  3. Her Majesty the Queen protects our rights and liberties!
  4. A republic woild mean a el presidente Clarke; a dictatorship of the socialist Labourites.

Do not be fooled; Labour wants a republic to increase it's own powers & put Aunty Helengrad in charge.

God save the Queen!


Blogger Captain Calculus said...

hmmm. so you don't even know how to spell the PM's name. Now this just keeps getting funnier and funnier.

2:46 PM  
Blogger Captain Calculus said...

"An response" ??

qUEEN? ? ?

You obviously don't speak Queen's English I guess.

A lesson for you. You only need to use the word 'an'instead of 'a' when the following word begins with a vowel, or when the following word has a soft vowel like beginning.

The last time I looked, "R" wasn't a vowel.

2:52 PM  

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