Queen & Country

Loyal to Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II her heirs and successors!

Location: New Zealand

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Conservative Democratic Unionist Party of the Dominion of New Zealand

Well, Aidan has made some suggestions for policy's for a new party, & a name:

Conservative Democratic Unionist Party of the Dominion of New Zealand

We maybe known as the C.D.U.P. for short. We will probably be a "minor" party for some years, but its a start.

Here's some of the party's policies:

Constitutional policies:
  • Loyalty to Her Majesty the Queen & the British Monarchy
  • encourage the celebration of N.Z.'s British loyalist heritage.
  • restore sedition to be very tough; life or death penalties.
  • Abolish the Supreme Court & restore J.C.P.C.
  • Abolish the “New Zealand” honours system
  • Reinstate Knighthoods & the British Imperial Honours system in NZ
  • Restoration of the right of appeal to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council & the establishment of a Constitutional Court, to keep Parliament in check.
  • Abolish the anti-democratic M.M.P, along with the Maori seats, reduce Parliament to 99 mps.
  • M.Ps should be limited to only two 3 year terms,with the Prime Minister being directly elected by the people.
Race relations
  • The Race Relations Act,1971,it should be amended to provide for the proscription of any organisation that has been set up with the promotion of a racist agenda,& for those who set up such an organisation to be put to death.
  • Ban racist party’s - Maori Party & National Front.
  • Abolish the Treaty “principles” in law, stop further hand-outs to corrupt Maori groups
Law & Order
  • Tougher penalties for violent crime, e.g. rape, & etc.
  • The restoration of the death penalty is long overdue,especially for the violent offenders,& those who possess illegal drugs.
  • There should be no such thing as parole or 'home detention'.If a criminal is sentenced to 5 years in gaol,then they should stay in gaol for 5 years - & no prisoner compensation for "human rights" abuse.
  • Repeal Human Rights Act so people can freely critical of homosexual propaganda.
External relations
  • No military alliance / free trade with U.S., Communist China. N.Z. to support British Commonwealth only
  • New Zealand should support the recognition of both Somaliland & the Principality of Hutt River as independent states with full status as British Commonwealth member states.
  • New Zealand should support British Commonwealth membership for Ireland,as it will strengthen ties,& hopefully kick off democratic change in that country.