Queen & Country

Loyal to Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II her heirs and successors!

Location: New Zealand

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Prince Harry should be safe from Moslem terrorists

The great thing about our Monarchy is that it creates "magic". Without such magic & fine upstanding members, our Monarchy will fade. Keeping His Royal Highness Prince Harry away from the dangers of the American-created Iraq war is a good idea, from the Monarchist League. However, at O'Holden's website it seems Brian, a "loyalist" thinks that this is the wrong move. Well, it is the wrong move to allow the Muslim's terrorists to Kill our Prince & heir to our the throne. That would give the Muslims & the Yanks something to gloat about. Prince Harry should not go to IRAQ. It is a war that was started by the Americans who are always late to wars & are bogged down by leftists & anti-military folk who think that their dream socialist world can come about by hugging trees. What a joke.

As usual, the republikins don't get it & O'Holden thinks it's a joke, well he's a joke for thinking that this has to do with his pet project of destroying our monarchy & hurting our Queen & democracy in NZ.

I see the Republicans are taking comments by Monarchist League Spokesman Doctor Mann out of context & twisting his words of warning on extreme Moslem's in our society. Typical republic kins - we have to change our culture to meet their wants & needs, not the other way around! They are right to raise the issue of Moslems in N.Z, we should be one people & follow the same culture, if others want to come here they should change to our culture, the British culture of NZ.

Also I see now that O'Holden has banned Mr Aidan Work of this website because O'Holden didn't like what he said. How bloody pathetic! He can't stand Aidan so he must ban him, how sad.