Queen & Country

Loyal to Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II her heirs and successors!

Location: New Zealand

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Republickins Labourite Preisident

My holiday has come to an end, & it seems that the Republicunt Movement has a new dictator, "President"; Mr Lewis O'Holden!

Holden will destroy the Labour Front Organiszation that the "Movement" is, & hopefully the Republikins themselves! & it is a Labour Front group, even thouugh they have convservatives like David Farrar on board, with his wacky ideas & nonsense. Claiming to be a rightist doesn't make you one!

Holden is a member of the Labour Party, but won't admit it. One helpful person sent me a email to my yahoo account, stating some evidence that Holden is indeed one of Misses Clarke's Lackeys, a lackey Labourite!! I am told that at the Youth Parliament meeting of 2004, Mr. Holden spoke at length to Darren Hughes, the Labour member, for "Otaki". Holden knew Mr Hughes very well, & probably through his links to the Labour party. Holden has also said on his website:

"My father's side of the family were (and some still are) diehard Labour supporters"


The Holdens are Socialists through & through!

No republic! God Save the Queen!